All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.
This template uses Aspekta, a free font under the OFL License. It is available here.
All case images in this template are made with Unsplash. You can see the Unsplash License here.
The person-images are made with Midjourney.
Cases are created via the CMS. To add the cases to the home page you need to:
1. Add a new collection list for the image (or copy paste from the list). Set the filter to match the case number from the CMS. Add a combo class (number) to the image itself. E.g. "7" if the case is number 7 in the CMS. This is for animation purposes.
2. Add a new collection list for the text (or copy paste from the list). Set the filter to match the case number from the CMS.
3. Duplicate the animation (on the link block) from one of the existing cases and edit the animation to match the new case.